Electronics Recycling Company Tampa Bay

EvTerra Recycling secure data destruction service

Electronics recycling company tampa bay

Do you need an experienced, reliable partner to help manage your electronic waste recycling and compliance in Tampa Bay? EvTerra has decades of experience working with e-waste recycling needs for a wide variety of organizations: We can help your Tampa Bay business practice eco-friendly electronic recycling while meeting important data security requirements – and keeping toxic materials away from landfills.

Does Your Tampa Bay Organization Have an Asset Disposition Plan?

Asset disposition refers to an organization plan for disposing of older electronics when the time comes to upgrade. This can mean switching to a different solution or adding new capabilities. This is a common project across many industries: Offices may be downsizing the number of printers and scanners they use to one central unit, or switching from a hardware-based phone system to VoIP or other solutions. Some businesses decide to move from local storage to a cloud or server-based storage solution as their companies grow. Others, meanwhile, are planning to transition from older computers to a fleet of newer models to keep up with the latest work demands.

However, asset disposition must also be planned carefully. Electronic devices should always be properly recycled by a local, trusted electronics recycling center in Tampa Bay. Their circuits include toxic metals and other materials that should not end up in landfills or be shipped to unsafe reclamation centers. Instead, they should be properly analyzed and recycled safely to reclaim raw materials.

EvTerra, an electronics recycling company in Tampa Bay,  also helps ensure that proper data security procedures are followed during asset disposition. Compliance requirements for security and privacy are always evolving, and many industries now have rules regarding how electronic devices should be safely disposed of, especially when it comes to hard drives that may still harbor sensitive information. We can help your organization meet any related requirements and provide documentation to help record your compliance, something that unprepared recyclers won’t be able to offer.

Reverse Logistics

Not sure where to begin with offloading your assets? Our skilled team can help your organization create a plan for your specific needs when dealing with surplus or obsolete electronics.

Data Destruction

Our state-of-the-art facilities provide secure data destruction, ensuring at every step of the way that data-containing devices are properly secure. When it comes to data storage devices, we offer both complete shredding and NIST 800-88 Rev.1 erasure. If your organization needs to meet serious security protocols, there’s no one better to partner with.

Asset Management

Is your organization looking for ways to become more efficient or find the best tech solutions for your current phase of growth? Have you adopted more remote work or hybrid positions lately and want a new plan to keep up with the changes? EvTerra can help you create a plan that covers your new needs – and prepares your business for the full technology lifecycle.

End-of-life Recycling

When the end of a lifecycle is reached, we can arrange to help categorize, sort, and recycle your electronics based on specific goals. This can help you save both time and money – especially if unused electronics are currently taking up storage space.

Our Customer Portal

Do you have a question about how a recycling project is going? Our customer portal allows your organization to take a close look at the details. That includes looking up the latest shipment updates, running customized reports, and requesting pickups of additional e-waste for recycling.

EvTerra is proud to work with organizations across a wide variety of fields, including:

  • State, local, and federal agencies: Government agencies often have strict compliance requirements for how data is handled, especially when it comes to disposing of hard drives and other devices. We can ensure that your department meets the latest protocols with all the documentation needed.
  • Non-profits: Non-profits have a vested interest in making sure their electronics are disposed of properly – and we can help them meet the latest recycling standards no matter what their focus may be.
  • Fortune 1000 organizations: Larger organizations require robust reverse logistics strategies. EvTerra can help customize an asset management plan to meet current goals and ESG commitments.
  • Small and medium businesses: Just because you aren’t a big player yet doesn’t mean you don’t need top-notch professional services. If your small or growing business is planning on a significant technology upgrade or expansion, our recycling options are what you need!
  • Education institutions: Education institutions see frequent updates of electronics of all kinds. Working with a professional recycler is an efficient way to manage these changes. We can also work with our other business partners to facilitate donations of usable electronics to institutions that are interested in them.
EvTerra Recycling who we serve educational institutions
EvTerra Recycling secure data destruction service

EvTerra is your electronics recycling company Tampa Bay partner for reliable, professional recycling services. We use state-of-the-art shredding and sorting with the latest equipment, allowing our facilities to process more than 200 million pounds of e-waste each year. You can request a quote here to learn more or contact us with a more specific question!