Reverse logistics can mean different things at different stages of the life cycles of electronics products used by businesses. For the most part, it refers to operations that allow business products approaching the ends of their usefulness to one business to be reused by another business or recycled in a planet-friendly manner.
It’s a great way for companies to dispose of outdated electronics in a manner that doesn’t harm the planet and may help small businesses improve proficiency with the technology they would otherwise be unable to afford. Whether affording products with new life and usefulness or disposing of them in a way that has a minimal impact on the planet, the right reverse logistics company can make a huge difference for businesses and for the planet.
How many times has your business considered upgrading technology for better efficiency and productivity only to decide to pursue other avenues due to the hassle of getting rid of your existing office technology? You’d be surprised by how often this issue arises. The good news is that you never need to worry about recycling tech again. evTerra Recycling can handle your office equipment recycling needs on your behalf, so you never need to worry about it again.
More importantly, we have specialized experience protecting data and information so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands along the way. We keep your information secure; you don’t have to worry about leaks and data breaches related to your recycling efforts. Not all reverse logistics organizations offer the same degree of experience and knowledge when it comes to safely disposing of your electronic waste. That is why it is so important to work with the best.
Consumers are becoming more earth-aware in recent years than at any other time in the history of our planet. While this is good news for the environment (and all the creatures that call the Earth home) it isn’t so good for businesses that are far behind the curve when it comes to operating in a more pro-earth capacity.
That doesn’t mean that all hope is gone. In fact, taking appropriate steps, now, like recycling outdated and obsolete electronics with evTerra Recycling can help you begin turning things around. Even the staunchest pro-planet advocates understand that every journey to a greener life begins with a few small steps in the right direction.
Ultimately, showing others that you are working toward a greener business philosophy can mean great things for your business as pro-planet consumers are often willing to spend their money with businesses that share their passions for the planet.
Data protection is a huge concern for businesses and individuals today. Rightfully so. You can’t turn on the news without hearing about yet another high-profile data breach. As a result, many businesses, especially small businesses, have been reluctant to recycle technology.
evTerra understands where you’re coming from and wants to let our business partners know that we take security as seriously as they do. Devices that contain and store data are stored with additional security protocols in place to protect your sensitive data. This includes following all regulatory requirements associated with data collection, storage, and management. Plus, we use advanced technology to “sanitize” your data so that no one else can use it against you, your employees, or your customers. Our team of experts is happy to discuss specific steps we take to protect your data when recycling your outdated electronics and more.
The answer to this question is a profound “Yes!” for any business that utilizes technology to conduct business. There is so much information stored on your devices that getting rid of the information alone before your equipment gets new life is one of the most important things you can do to maintain trade secrets, customer confidentiality, privacy, and more.
Of course, any reverse logistics company won’t do. You need to work with an organization that has a reputation for excellence when it comes to managing e-waste and recycling electronics, like evTerra. evTerra manages nearly 200 million pounds of e-waste each year for carbon neutrality and zero waste. Recycling electronic waste can be challenging for consumers. Because of this, there are nearly 40 million tons of e-waste each year that are illegally discarded. evTerra makes it easier than ever for businesses to dispose of their electronic waste safely and without putting private information at risk of public consumption.
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